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mockup YING.png

ying 2.0

I spearheaded the comprehensive user experience design, ranging from the initial user onboarding process to the seamless navigation of posting and searching for tasks, as well as the process of redeeming Time Credits upon task completion.

These efforts were part of the application's beta release, aimed at showcasing its potential to prospective investors and businesses for future integration. The application is readily available on  app store    and has garnered significant attention, resulting in multiple investors recognizing its potential and contributing to its success.


UX/ UI Design


4 Months


Sketch, Zelpin, InVision


Summer 2020


Many users, especially living through a pandemic, are looking for ways to exchange skills and services. Every skill is associated with the level of experience a person can offer as well as the monetary value. Communities and tribes are looking to foster relationships without creating socioeconomic segregation.


The intent of this application and platform is to bring together tribes and communities to create their private or public groups. This way members can create tasks and help each other in their day to day lives. Members can exchange time credits and gratitude pot tips for the time and efforts they put in without having monetary values attached.

Target Audience

While this application can cater to most audiences, it is mainly geared towards students and young professionals

My Role  and  Design Process

I worked with the lead product designer, and with the CEO of the company on this project. The process started with ideating user experiences using version one as a reference and then the creation of wireframes to high-fidelity designs for the application. I also prototyped my designs and created user testing documents. Along with this, I led weekly meetings within the company by providing updates and working very closely with the development team. 

UX Flow
ux flow.png

These wireframes helped to establish the overall structure of the app. The wireframes created the navigation system using the back arrows, the x, and the hamburger menu. It also created a structure for input fields and CTAs.

Wireframes- skills selections.png
Wireframes- Profile.png
wireframes- hamburger menu3x.png
Wireframes- task description3x.png
Wireframes- input field screens3x.png
wireframe- secondary screens3x.png
UI Design and  Prototype

Using the branding, and the learning style  structure , I created key  experiences of how this application would look like. 
View the prototype here.

Onboarding 3x.png


The onboarding process is quite important. Each member that is on the app, has a profile page. The profile page shows the skills and services the member offers, which comes from the onboarding process. Members can contact each other as per their needs. The more information the user provides, the better and more accurate tasks can come their way. This is one of the first steps to begin skill sharing in YING.

Click to expand

look up tasks3x.png


Once a member's profile is created, from their profile/home page, they can access almost all of the functionalities from there. One of the main functions of YING is to help members. When the user taps on that button, they can see all the different tasks that have been posted in the groups they are in. After that, they can request to participate. Once the task owner accepts their participation request, the task is added to the member's calendar. Upon completion of the task, the member receives the time credits associated with the task.

Click to expand

Post Task3x.png
Post Task Copy3x.png

Click to expand


Another main function of the app is to post tasks and receive help. This can be done from a member's profile page, and on a specific group's page. All of this information that the user puts is important to get the right people for the task they are posting. To allow users to post quickly, most fields are not required. At the same time giving the opportunity for users to be as detailed as they choose to be. The two fields required are: the number of people needed and time duration are required this is because of the number of time credits are put into escrow. Inviting members to specific tasks pushes a notification. 

Complete Task3x.png
Complete Task Copy3x.png

Click to expand


To receive the correct amount of time credits, members need to " complete task". Members do not receive time credits for the task until this step is completed by both the task owner and the member who completed the task. Members adjust and confirm the amount of time this task took, and also provide a rating, review, and have the opportunity to add to a member's gratitude pot. This is an important part of building a community on our platform. Since these tasks are done for the compensation of time credits and gratitude, ratings and reviews enhance this experience and help members in the future with more tasks.

menu 3x.png

Click to expand


The hamburger menu has a key role in navigating through the app. Most importantly, members can see their time credits and cash balance. Members can transfer the cash they received from their gratitude pot to their bank. Group admins and creators can switch into their group's account to add and manage their group that way as well. 

Design Challenges

As you can tell, this app relies heavily on users adding and inputting information. One of the biggest design challenges was being able to integrate those input fields and at the same time keep the user experience through the app fairly quick. One of the ways we tried to ease this problem was to limit the number of questions and input fields per page. Also by making some fields optional it gives users the option to breeze through this process but also allows users who want to take the time to provide detailed tasks. 
Another design challenge was figuring out how group admins would be able to post tasks to their group's page. On the app, it created profiles for members. Group's pages were treated differently and had a dashboard that gave them more functionalities. After adding different roles for members in the group (admin, owner, etc.) we decided to add a switch to (group) button. Members who were given permission could then switch to their group page. The user flows would be very similar to when a member posted tasks. 

If I had it  my way...

Overall, I like the different functionalities that YING 2.0 offers that YING 1.0 did not have. In this, there is a function for messages. I would like to push the social aspect of this app. A social feed that shares members' accomplishments, like when they complete a task. Other members can comment and like this. Also in the feed adding when a member is going to help out for a certain task will promote the task. Even posting pictures from an event will help. Having that social aspect of sharing how each member is being active in their group and community would be a motivation to the members. It would also encourage and bring more users to get involved in skill sharing. This aspect would help increase the number of groups and members' skill sharing on the app. 


This was my first experience contributing to an app's development outside of classroom projects. I gained proficiency in software like Sketch, Zeplin, InVision, and Protopie. I realized the significance of prioritizing user experience (UX) in product design, alongside the user interface (UI). This project highlighted the importance of user flow and research before design, incorporating user feedback from within the company. I completed the app's design and learned to harmonize functions and flows, considering development constraints and user testing. Unlike classroom mockups, I adapted designs to fit development timelines. The transition from supporting the lead designer to being the sole designer fostered unexpected growth. I am proud  in the project's outcome and my personal development.

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